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출처-  스위스 베른 주재 태국대사관

Children traveling without Parent(s) / Traveling with children (under 20 years old)Home > Children traveling without Parent(s) / Traveling with children (under 20 years old)

1. Child/ren traveling without Parent(s)

1) Child/renTravelling alone:

Child/ren traveling without parents can travel into and out of the country and transit in Thailand. For further information, please contact the airline you travel with in advance.

You may find the information at  


Additional information from 

2) Traveling with another person's child/ren, please provide

      - Child’s birth certificate and consent letter* from the child’s parents or legal guardians with a copy of their passports.


2. Traveling with child/ren (minor/s under 20 years old)

1) Traveling with a child whose family name is the same as yours

     1.1) Both parents travel with the child/ren; please provide

      - An official relationship document, e.g., birth certificate or family book

     1.2) Only one parent travels with the child/ren; please provide

      -  An official relationship document, e.g., birth certificate

       - consent letter* from the other parent/legal guardian with a copy of his or her passport OR if you have sole custody, you must provide a copy of custody papers OR if the other parent is deceased, you must provide a copy of the death certificate.

2) Traveling with a child whose family name is different from yours, please provide

      -  An official relationship document, e.g., birth certificate and consent letter* from the other parent/legal guardian with a copy of his or her passport.


*NOTE: The consent letter must be in English or Thai and legalized to be effective. We recommend three copies: one for you, one to go in your child's bag, and one for the person your child traveling with.


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